Planets and Robots dir. Antanas Skucas
Co-director, composer, sound
Film is generated by AI for humans. Exploring the thin boundary between amazing and worrying. Nominated for best short in Vilnius international film festival
Copy this you bastard
dir. Antanas Skucas
Co-director, composer, sound
Film is about recent changes in artistic world with artificial intelligence changing the landscape. We tried to translate what artists might be feeling or fearing.
Not released yet..
FEAR dir. Antanas Skucas
Co-director, composer, sound
Film explores the nature of fear and how it effects our lives. Inspired by Philosopher, speaker Jiddu Krishnamurti. Film was made before the war in Ukrane started.
Digital Woodoo dir. Antanas Skucas
Co-director, composer, sound
Film explores relationships between real and unreal. Enchanted by virtual world we forget what's happening around us. Film was nominated for the best animation in Lithuanian National Film Awards
Opera To The Virus dir. Antanas Skucas
Composer, sound
Film was made during Covid-19 pandemic. It reflects how we all felt and what we where afraid of.
Guitar recorded by Vecheslav Gudym
Story of Amira dir. Antanas Skucas
Sound Designer, Mixer
Educational film explores the problem of refugees and asylum seekers. Made in coproduction with Tylus Kinas LT.